Diagnosing a dieseling engine step 1. Part 2 of 3.
Deadly Convenience Keyless Cars And Their Carbon Monoxide
Car keeps running after ignition turned off. Furthermore because the mixture is often firing at the wrong point in the cycle the engine does not run smoothly but jerks and rocks badly on its mountings and sometimes backfires. Lights will typically dim and the engine may die. Running cooling fans help cool down the engine even after you turn off car. If your cooling fan runs for over 10 minutes after turning off the engine you may have a problem that needs to be fixed. Whats happening is usually that carbon build up in the cylinders is staying hot and glowing through the exhaust stroke of th. Provides power while the engine is running.
Running on is when the engine continues to turn after youve switched off the ignition because the fuel air mixture is being ignited by a hot spot in the combustion chamber. Turn off the engine and remove the small plastic block from the spout connector. Driving a car with a dead battery can also damage the alternator. This connector is usually located. When the engine is turned off the coolant doesnt circulate and the heat stays trapped therefore prolonging the engine from cooling. This is called dieseling because the engine is running as a diesel engine does without a spark from the sparkplugs.
The vehicle wont start at all or will crank slowly. Fuses and fusible links. If it does not stop running your feedback problem is coming from something other that the alternator. Weve all heard a car continuing to run after the ignition key has been turned off and it usually sounds pretty bad with all kinds of clonking and coughing noises. With the ignition turned off and the car continuing to run simply remove the plug from the alternator do not try and remove the battery power wire from the power stud and the car should shut off if the alternator is creating the problem. Connect the timing light to the battery terminals.
Bring the engine to operating temperature by idling the engine for 20 minutes. Check the idle speed. If the engine idle speed is too high it may cause the car to diesel after it is shut off. Or run some errands and then park the. Carburetor or fuel injected. Does your car have fuel injection or does it have a carburetor.
Provides power necessary to start the vehicle and powers accessories when the engine is off. These days though youre more likely to hear this in the movies when sound effects staff is trying to show the viewers what a clunker this particular actor is driving.